Interested in being a board member and trustee?
If you are passionate about improving the quality of life for the residents of Hull, and have some time to spare, why not apply to be a Trustee of Goodwin?
The role is unpaid, but you will be reimbursed for any out of pocket expenses. The time commitment is to attend monthly Board meetings, which take place on Tuesday evenings at 5.30pm. You’d also be invited to attend some of the subcommittee meetings which are also held at 5.30pm on Tuesday evenings.
Papers are circulated in advance, and as a trustee you’d be expected to read the papers, present challenge and support in the meetings, and vote on decisions which will impact on the future of the charity.

How to apply?
Goodwin is a company limited by guarantee, so when you become a trustee, you also become a company director.
The board of trustees are a friendly group, and even if you have no prior experience, you would be welcome to apply. A passion for doing the right thing is all you need!
If you wish to apply, you can request an application pack. Informal interviews are then held, after which the Board will let you know the outcome. All Trustees must undergo an enhanced DBS check prior to joining.
Terms of appointment last 3 years, after which time, you must step down, but you can put yourself up for re-election if you wish.
To request an application form, please email to request one: [email protected]
Chat with our Chair
If you would like to find out more about what being a Goodwin Trustee is all about, or to organise an informal chat with our Chair please contact [email protected] and we can arrange this for you.