Our Mission:
- To improve the quality of life in Hull communities;
- Bring to life the vision of a diverse and thriving community;
- Give everyone equal opportunities to contribute to and benefit from the wellbeing of the community on a fair and equal basis;
- To carry on identifying and addressing the needs of local people by working in partnership with the Local Authority and key partners in the city.
- Are honest and fair in all we do
- Listen and learn from all those we work with or for
- Encourage innovative and entrepreneurial behaviour
- Show respect for community, staff, volunteers and partners
- Champion equality and opportunity for all
Our Strategic Priorities for 2021-26 are to:
- Be a fair and trusted employer who values our people
- Fight poverty in all its forms within our community
- Be financially strong and sustainable
- Care for the health and wellbeing of our community
- Provide & support access to education, training & employment opportunities
- Endeavour to make our community safe, resilient and a happy place to be