What Do We Do?
Fenchurch and Octagon Family Hubs provide a safe, friendly and welcoming environment that brings together services for families with children aged 0 – 19, or up to 25 for those children with special educational needs and disabilities.
These include the Best Start for life and Early Help offer. We have a network of joined up services to meet the needs of families and the local community, so we really are a one-stop shop.
What Can We Offer?
A wide range of services for families, including:
- Midwifery & antenatal care
- Postnatal groups, play sessions, activities and events
- Family support
- Parenting Courses and free online parenting guides
- Training and volunteering opportunities
- Housing, benefits & debt advice
- Home safety information and advice
- Healthy Lifestyle sessions and cooking on a budget
- FareShare/foodbank vouchers
At the core of our offer is the 1001 days “Best start for life” programme, providing a wide range of services for parents and carers from pregnancy until the child’s second birthday. The Family hubs act as a ‘one stop shop’ where families can access important services, information advice and support making it easier for families to get the help they need, when they need it.
As part of the offer we deliver the following courses. Get in touch to find out more!
The GroBrain Baby Course is for parents of babies pre-birth to 12 months. It focuses on bonding and brain development, and the vital part parents and carers play in ‘wiring up’ the connections in their baby’s brain in the first 1001 critical days of life. This ‘brain wiring’ lays the foundation for emotional wellbeing and the way emotions will be handled in later life.
The ‘in person’ Baby Course consists of four sessions, lasting around 2 hours each.
PeeP Learning together programme
Peep supports all parents and carers with children from pregnancy to school, in encouraging their child’s learning and development. You can make a real difference just by talking, playing, singing and sharing books together. Come along – you and your baby or child can make friends, share ideas and activities, and have fun.
Parenting Courses
We offer a wide range of parenting courses for children suitable for children 2-10 years in group settings delivered within the Family hubs.
Get in touch today to find out more about these amazing courses:
- [email protected]
- 01482 587550
Working in partnership – Family support
Family support is a collaborative approach where parents, children and staff work together through an Early Help assessment to understand what is going well and identify where support is needed.
We offer support for parenting, managing children’s behaviour, children’s development and emotional wellbeing, antenatal and postnatal support, home safety checks /advice, managing money and budgeting support, housing, parental conflict and much more, as well as signposting/co-ordinating support to ensure most appropriate services are involved. The support is undertaken through 1-1 parenting support, via home visits, school/centre visits, small group work, providing advocacy support at appointments and leading “Team around the family” meetings
Requesting help or making a referral
If you would like to discuss or request support, contact the Fenchurch Family Hub on 01482 587550, or make a request here:
How Are We Funded?
Fenchurch and Octagon Family Hubs are commissioned by the Local Authority to deliver Early Help and Best Start for Life services.
Click here to find out more about your local Family Hub
Get In Touch
01482 587550
Facebook – Fenchurch and Octagon Family Hubs