Clive Darnell – Co-CEO – Head of Development
Clive first became involved in the regeneration sector in 1998 in his role as Manager of Hull Employment Consortium. He then created Consortium Manchester and spent three years delivering employment and training initiatives as part of East Manchester NDC. In 2004 he joined Goodwin Development Trust as Development Manager.
He is now Head of Development and is responsible for delivery of employment, learning and community development contracts. Clive sits on the boards of several other charities/partnerships, including Humber Learning Consortium.
Dianne Hamilton – Co-CEO – Head of Children Young People and Well-Being Services
Dianne joined Goodwin in 1999 initially on secondment from lecturing in Child Studies at Hull College. Dianne led on research and project development with Goodwin including the Sure Start programme, youth and nursery provision. Dianne is designated safeguarding lead for Goodwin, is responsible for early years, children’s centres, Doula and Breastfeeding peer support and Danny’s Dream service. Dianne enjoys poetry, drawing and most recently baking cakes.